First full day in Guatemala

We arrived at Santa Cruz hotel last night just in time for dinner and a restful evening before heading out this morning for the coast. The area we will be working is considered the same as the Amazon with the tropical vegetation.

We traveled another five hours to Puerto Barrios. We traveled on a highway that ran parallel with the largest river in Guatemala. If you have eaten a Chiquita Banana, it most likely came through this port.

We stopped by a Mayan Ruins called Quiriua Geologocal Park. They had many stone columns that were hand carved called estalas. Our host Nury used to volunteer here and gave us a wonderful detailed tour with history of the location in which athletes competed and the losing team captain was sacrificed to the gods outside the temple for all to see.

We ate lunch on the way and we stopped road side to pick some fresh Ramu Tam, a hairy looking delicious fruit.

We went to visit the church and school we are serving that was established in 1947. The school has over 1,000 students and may be one of the largest Lutheran schools in the world*.

We ended the evening by going to the Caribbean Sea. Perfect ending to a great travel day. We will attend church tomorrow morning then run the eyeglass clinic. We estimate we can see 200 people a day, but are optimistic of seeing even more. We’ll also be running four VBS sessions each day for roughly 90 children in each session.

Please pray we stay safe in Puerto Barrios and that we have stamina and patience for the days ahead to share God’s Grace with everyone we meet.
